Phonlab Adds a Battery Testing Section

Phonlab Adds a Battery Testing Section

​What’s new in the Phonlab Smartphone Tech Course this month. Since Windows 11 has been release for some time now Phonlab has decided to update some of the training to show any differences with windows 11 over windows 10 which is what all of the training in the Phonlab SmartPhone Tech Course is based on at this time. Below you will find a list of new content. This month we also added a battery testing section to the Smartphone Tech Course.

Windows 11 Show More Options

How to install Smartphone or Workshop PC Drivers

Battery Testing | Diagnose | Repair Matrix

Battery Safety First

The Charging Brick / Plug

Troubleshooting with USB Voltage Tester

Multimeter Battery Basics

Kaisi Charging Board

Multi Lead testing

How to Identify internal Battery Terminals

PCB Investigation

Battery Testing Quiz

Of course we end every new section on Phonlab with a small Quiz to make sure you understand the content. In case you did not know we also write some fun blog post every month. This month is again about the Flipper Zero device.​ This is a super awesome pen testing tool and even just a fun piece of tech to play around with in your free time. This blog post shows you how to take the flipper to a whole new level of goodness. 🙂 


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