How to Fix Motorola Hard Bricked Devices in Qualcomm Bulk Mode

Motorola devices are amost completely based on Qualcomm chips well that is until Lenovo purchased them a couple years back. Now that Lenovo owns Motorola there are some devices that are media tek chips also. All this being said we are going to take a look at the qualcomm bulk Mode on on these Motorola devices. Motorola devices have a Bootloader just like all phones and when the bootloader get corrupted or has a bad sector on the chip then the device will defaulty boot into qualcomm bulk mode. This is a good thing because it give us a chances to fix the devices but it is also a bad thing because the files and tools needed are not readily available. Here is where Phonlab steps in and can help out with a great video guide and the files needed to proceed with the repair to bring the device out of qualcomm mode and back to the bootloader where it can be fully restored with stock firmware. below you will see some of the directions to get this job done.
Motorola Moto devices are all based on the Qualcomm chip set here in the US. Qualcomm has a mode on the device that it will enter if it becomes hard bricked and it is known as Qualcomm download mode.
- Follow the driver install lesson here on Phonlab to make sure you have the right Qualcomm drivers on your PC
- Make sure your Hard Bricked Moto is connected in device manager under ports like in the video lesson
- Hold volume down and power until you see in connect under ports
- Download the correct blankflash zip for your device from our Phonlab MEGA file repository
- If the blankflash fails make sure you have the right one my googling the device code name and model EXAMPLES CODE NAME = Athen MODEL = XT1625 Moto G4
- Make sure you have the latest version of the Motorola stock firmware for your device
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8 Responses
Moto E4 Plus XT1776 blankflash file need
Need Blank Flash Moto E4 Plus XT1776 Please Help me
Se você consegue ligar no modo fastboot baixe essa ROM instale primeiro o gpt depois o bootloader reiniciar modo fastboot depois é só flashar a ROM!!se não baixe o blankflash instale os David Qualcomm de pois ligar o celular no computador olhe se o computador reconhecer abra a pasta blankflash e de 2 click no black-flash.bat e reisiara no modo fastboot aí você faz o passo asima!!
Need Blank Flash Moto G5 XT1672 !!!
i have xt1799-2 dead boot
i need xt1766 hard brick file
Hi, please i need blankfile xt1775 moto e4 plus
is moto msm8920
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