Flash Boxes and Server Credits

Flash Boxes
Every OEM like Samsung, LG, Motorola, and the list goes on, have internal tool / software that can repair their device and bypass all the security problems that exist in the software support world like FRP lock, carrier lock, and hard bricks to name a couple. The way that flash boxes like Octoplus, Z3X, and others get the info that they need to do the repairs on devices is from this internal software. They analyze the internal tools and recreate methods so that the flash boxes can mimic the internal software. Also they build known exploits into the boxes and use those methods as well. MotoReaper the FRP removal software we offer here at Phonlab was created this very same way and this is why it works so well.
Server Credits
Now that we understand more about flash boxes and what is happening lets talk about server credits. What is this just another way for the developer of these boxes to make more money? Short answer is yes, but the long answer is more interesting. After i have spent some time analyzing what is happening with them using server credits, I have found that the flash box is issuing the exact commands as this internal software we learned about earlier. Basically the box developer has created a way for anyone to get there hands on and use the internal software but purchasing these server credits. Here is the way that the developer of OctoPlus box puts it “This product is a result of developers’ own solutions which makes it the most reliable servicing tool on the market.” LOL the developers own solutions. I am sure if you are like me you would much rather get the internal software but if your box offers server credits and a low price then this really isn’t a bad way to get access to this software. Many of the accounts and access need to get your hands on the official software is very expensive and normal the kind of thing you will only find on the black market. The only way to get it is to pay someone that works for the company / OEM to give you access to this internal software which I am sure that they could get fired for doing. Also everyone of these internal Software tools require a login and password so don’t thing that if you can just get your hands on the software that you will be able to use them.
Server credits at the right price can be a really great thing. just remember to pass the cost on to your customer and i would recommend at least doubling it for your services. Interested in learning more about flash boxes and software repairs on Android and iOS Apple device? Enroll in the Smartphone Tech Course here at Phonlab. We will show you lots of methods to bypass and turn off security without purchasing these server credits.
6 Responses
i read this article with more attention, and i can tell you this inrernal software like ( gspn) for samsung devices provide all solution with one simple klik, finally i assum that internal stuff or maybe oem’s work behind scene with this developers tools (z3x,octoplus,chimera…) maybe for money or just to make sure that there phone live more
take for exemple combination files when appeare for the first time on vietnam from factory stuff and has been leaked.
I can tell you this right now OEM do not work with these developers. Access to these tools is stole with methods like phishing and the like.
So in reality we are supporting the black market by using Octoplus for example?
yes basically that is what is happening.
Hello I was signed up over a month ago how do I resign back up and do I start off we’re i left off or do I have to start over thank you
if you want to sign backup just login into your account and then enroll on this page https://phonlabtech.com/mobile-repair-tech/
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